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1. Donate Bottles to Comox Valley Friends of Refugees 

This option is a very easy way for you to donate money when you take your bottles into the recycling depot. Simply ask the depot attendant to donate the money to The Comox Valley Friends of Refugees, Account Number 633. All money donated is used for the refugees. 

2. Affordable Housing for Refugees 

One huge way you can help is by providing, or connecting us with someone who can provide affordable and secure housing. We are always on the lookout for housing as we bring in around 3 - 5 refugees a year. If you are someone that might be able to help, or if you have questions, please email us at

3. You can Donate! 

Another powerful way to help is through donation to our organization. As we are a volunteer run organization, every cent donated is used for the refugees, including but not limited to, application fees, housing, food, and clothing when they arrive. One easy way to donate is by sending us an etransfer to and we will send you back a tax receipt. All size of donations are incredibly helpful and impactful. We greatly appreciate it, thank you. 

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